Monday 2 July 2012

Culture - June

Books Read:

Fyodor Dostoyevsky - 'The Idiot'

Films Watched:

'Funny Games' (Michael Hanake)
'Videodrome' (David Cronenberg)
'Jaws' (Steven Spielberg) (at the Ritzy Playhouse, Brixton)
'Dreamcatcher' (Lawrence Kasdan)

Albums Played:

Crocodiles - 'Endless Flowers'
The Walkmen - 'Heaven'
Grimes - 'Visions'
Hot Chip - 'In Our Heads'
Sleep Research Facility - 'Nostromo'
Pond - 'Frond'
A Place to Bury Strangers - 'Worship'


'Oil' - Edward Burtynsky - Photographer's Gallery, London (photography)
'Brains - The Mind as Matter' - Wellcome Collection, London
Damien Hirst - 'For The Love of God' - Tate Modern


'The Phantom of the Opera' - Her Majesty's Theatre, London

1 comment:

  1. You watched Videodrome! Snatch! Some people do follow the injunctions I put up on my blog. ; )

    Death to videodrome! Long live the new flesh!
