Saturday 4 June 2016

Back again

Last May 2015, I was walking in the Bavarian forest on a trail that spiralled away like a plume of smoke from bonfire of tourists engulfing Schloss Neuschwanstein. As I scampered higher, the castle looking increasingly like a child's plastic toy against a cartoon sky, was struck with clichéd immediacy by a fictional idea. It was obviously inchoate yet furnished with enough potential to inspire the decision to shift my focus away from beginning work on a novel I had been psyching myself up to start.

The intrigue of the concept, coupled with the pertinence of the drone theme, lead me to fasten all my attention on the project from that point on, leaving me with no time for any other written output.

'The Drone Age: Streetview Stories' is now complete, and so I embark on the Sisyphean task of convincing anyone to read and consider it seriously.

In the mean time, I fully intend to resuscitate this blog with renewed invective. I will write about everything and anything that comes to my attention and interest, however menial, trivial or controversial. And why not?! The world is as confusing and fractious a place as ever, with leading figures increasingly creeping towards extremes while real powers hide away behind concocted myths of their own making, that exist solely in order that these are perpetuated. There is simply too much not to have anything to write about.

I can claim no insight or expertise in any of these subjects. I offer no salient view on anything, being as distracted, puzzled and entrapped by the modern way of life and thought as anyone. And yet I can offer a view that will have been considered, however wide of the mark some may see it to be. A view that will try to excavate beneath surface narratives and received wisdoms in the hope of chancing upon some semblance of real perspective and alternative vantage over these issues as they stand.

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